Why can't code enforcement catch more violations?

Mayor David Alfin's weekly column in the Observer addresses resident questions on city government. Email your questions to Managing Editor Jonathan Simmons at [email protected].

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  • | 5:00 a.m. October 26, 2023
  • Palm Coast Observer
  • Opinion
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The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this article are solely that of the author in his personal capacity and do not necessarily represent the opinions or the views of the City of Palm Coast or the Palm Coast City Council.

Question from Pat Barile: I would like to know when something is going to be done to hire more code enforcers. I have been asking this question for about four years now. There are so many obvious restrictions broken, and nothing's done about them. I attribute that to the fact that there’s not enough enforcers, and the ones that we have go out two days a month ... definitely not enough to see all of Palm Coast! 


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